Drive Shaft 2: Between  a Rock and a Hard PlaceRating: 4.25 stars
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Length: Novella

After testing each other’s limits both in bed and out, Hutch and Jensen have taken their relationship a step further and are living together. They barely have time to get settled when they find out that Clyde is in a whole heap of trouble.

Increasing debts and expenses at the auto shop have forced Clyde to seek funds from loan shark Tony Trimboli. Now, Tony and his ruthless triplet sons are looking for their payback and patience is not what they are known for.

The only way to raise the money in time and save Clyde is for Hutch and Jensen to enter and win the Reaper’s Rally, an illegal car race through the California desert to Las Vegas. The first car to get to the finish line earns $50,000 cash. As engines are revved, the high speed race is on not only to save the auto shop, but to save each other’s lives as every step closer to the prize brings them in close contact with danger.

Between a Rock and a Hard Place continues the story of Hutch and Jensen from the first Drive Shaft. While it would be possible to read it on its own, it would be best enjoyed having read the first installment.

There are many areas of the book that emulate a movie, and if it were a movie, it would be the action movie that you would watch with friends multiple times just for the sheer entertainment value of it. There’s action, adrenaline, thugs, grand romantic gestures, and two guys that love each other unconditionally. It’s over the top and just a helluva good time.

When the story opens, we catch up with Hutch and Jensen at their apartment. Continuing on after their unique start, the guys work so well together and their banter and enjoyment of being together is fun to read. We see at different points in the story how their relationship has progressed and not only are they the best of friends, but their love for each other is evident. The story moves fast, there is action at every turn, and it is meant to be a highly fueled adventure. With that in mind, it then possible to overlook some things. Fo example, after they guys are submerged in an underground cave filled with dirty, rusty water, I could overlook the hygiene issue as Hutch lays Jensen out over the hood of the Viper and tastes his entire body. The scene is all kinds of intense and further solidifies their love (and lust) for each other. It is a bit harder to get past the location they choose for their escapade, because as hot as the scene is, you just know they cannot possibly be alone. It is also a bit harder to get past the descriptions of their bodily fluids being described as “burning” and “red-hot” (because ouch), it becomes repetitive when Jensen is repeatedly referred to as “young,” and it is a bit difficult to get past the part where Hutch breaks two ribs and he is then still incredibly active in full stunt man mode and his ribs are never mentioned again. But, you know, it’s all just minor things to take into consideration given the action style of this book and spending time racing with Hutch and Jensen is incredibly hot and just all kinds of a good time. Their story is definitely entertaining and most certainly recommended. There is a scheduled third installment planned and all I can say is…bring it!

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