rabbit seasonRating: 3.75 stars
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Length: Novella

When twins Brook and Colby show up at his house, Sidney is stuck between wanting to ignore them and wanting to bask in their presence. For as long as he can remember, he’s had a thing for the twins, but they made it clear that they don’t see him that way. But now they’re in his house and laughing with his dads and flirting with Sidney and he’s confused.

Brook and Colby didn’t show up by happenstance. Their house was broken into and vandalized and, with their mother out of town at a conference, they need a place to stay. Now that they’re under foot and playing games with Sidney’s head, Sidney can’t help but feel like he’s that awkward little duckling being made fun of. Until he finds out he could be wrong.

But the threat that drove Brook and Colby to Sidney’s household has not disappeared. A group of shifters is ready to come out to the world while their opposition still poses a threat to them and, more specifically, to Brook, Colby, and their friends and family.

Adorable, fluffy fun. That’s what this book is. It’s full of happy, sweet, feel-good feelings and moments of cute, fuzzy feelings. This is one of those books to read when you just want to smile, because that’s its purpose. Oh. And twincest. Because… twins. Oh. And ducks and bunnies.

I thought everything about this one was perfect for those times when I’m needing a little less stress when I read. No angst—and I do mean none. As a matter of fact, when it came to the relationship between Brook and Colby and then the addition of Sidney, I expected maybe a little jealousy or feelings of inadequacy or something, but as I read further, I realized that is not the point of this book. The bond between Brook and Colby and Sidney had been formed years ago, so it’s fair to believe that Sidney would be comfortable with the twins, even knowing they’ve been together long before he joined their party. There’s nothing smoldering about this story and I like it that way. It’s cute and sweet and easy the way it is. And really, the story is about the guys. Yes, there is a side plot about vandals and a radical group hell bent on stopping progress, but that’s not the sole focus. And while I’m on the topic of the subplot, it masks itself very well as shifter on shifter issues while mirroring the political climate the real world. Everything about his one is fun.

So, let’s recap:  cute, fluffy, fun, sexy, twins. Yep. This one is absolutely worth it. If you’re looking for light and easy, look no further. I recommend Rabbit Season by Megan Derr.

Note: Rabbit Season is the second book in Derr’s Lost Shifters series. While there is a cameo here from Skylar and Brady from Backwoods Asylum, this story follows its own storyline and can be read as a standalone.

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