Lime Gelatin And Other Monsters by Angel MartinezRating: 5 stars
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Length: Novella

In my humble opinion, author Angel Martinez really hit one out of the park with her latest release, Lime Gelatin & Other Monsters. Taking us back to the wacky and unusual precinct whose cops boast of vampires that can only drink certain types of purified blood, to werewolves who may not really be a werewolf, once again the team faces a murdering monster—this time a jacked up sea turtle creature that is killing with abandon.

Our star detective, Kyle, is back and this time partnered with a calm and quiet new guy named Vikash. Kash is the only one on the force who can be in proximity to Kyle, whose supernatural power is channeling other’s abilities to often explosive and dangerous levels that rapidly go out of control. But things are fine with Kash until he gets angry and then the air sizzles between them as Kyle acts as a conduit for the blast of power that flows from Kash. That burst can do as little damage as a flat tire to having the blasting power of a bomb. Together these two become the leads in hunting down the latest monster plaguing Philadelphia. But as one thing leads to another and emotions start to rise to the surface, it is apparent to both Kash and Kyle that they want something more than just a working relationship.

Here is why I think this series will work. First there is Kyle, who is just the most adorable man and who tries desperately to stay positive despite the fact that most of his coworkers treat him like the plague and he is constantly tortured with self-doubt as to his own worth. He is also the most likeable character I have ever gotten to know. He is positive, self-deprecating, witty, and just incredibly cute. Then there is Kash, who is his perfect foil—thoughtful, kind, hesitant, and yet, ready to leap into the start of something that could end disastrously for them both. It is a match made in heaven and both entertaining and lovely to read. When you mix that with a zany, clever, action-packed plot that keeps you laughing, I believe you have a story that stands out among the normal paranormal genre.

This wonderful novella gives you just enough story to keep you coming back for more and I cannot wait till this author pens the next installment in what hopes to be a delightful series that will entertain and provide just the right amounts of mystery and romance wrapped in humor and fun. For me, Lime Gelatin & Other Monsters is sure to be the beginning of a great romance and a story I highly recommend to you!

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