PsyCop BriefsRating: 4 stars
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Length: Novel

I am a HUGE fan of the PsyCops series by Jordan Castillo Price. It is one of those series that I firmly believe every romance fan should be reading. Victor and Jacob are easily in my top ten all time favorite couples and I find the blend of mystery, romance, and paranormal in this series to be top notch.

The latest installment in the series came out in 2013, so I was thrilled to see Castillo Price put out this collection of short stories that fit within the series. The stories range from a few pages to a handful of chapters and each gives us a glimpse into the lives of Victor and Jacob and the PsyCops world. Some of these have been previously released as standalone shorts or part of anthologies, and a few are totally new. Even as a fan of the series, I had only read a few of these so the set definitely felt fresh with a wide array of stories.

One of the nice things about this collection is getting a little insight into things we may not have time for in the main series, or getting alternate points of view. Victor narrates the main stories, so it was nice here to hear from Jacob as well. Victor has such a poor opinion of himself that I enjoy hearing from Jacob, who is totally enamored with his man, and getting to see how Jacob perceives him. We also get a really cute short with Lisa as our POV character that I thought was a lot of fun.

The stories are a nice mix of length, topic, and tone. Some are sexy, some are fun, some are more serious. This book is obviously best suited to those who are at least familiar with these guys and the PsyCops world, but I think fans of the series will really enjoy getting to delve into things a bit deeper with these stories. I definitely enjoyed them and loved getting a chance to spend some more time in this world.

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