Confessions: JulienRating: 4.5 stars
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Length: Novel

Julien doesn’t want anyone to know about his past, including his sister that died and his parents that don’t talk to him. To the public, Julien is a celebrity chef that made a name for himself on a reality show. The show that secured him a place with Priest, his husband.

Priest will do anything for Julien, the Frenchman that stole his heart. Together, Julien and Priest make quite a couple as they each have pasts that threaten to derail them emotionally. And, as the anniversary of Julien’s sister death approaches, Julien is on a downward spiral once again.

There is a new light in their lives however, with the addition of Robbie into their relationship. Robbie fills in the crack that Julien and Priest didn’t even realize they had. But, Robbie doesn’t know the whole story and Julien thinks once he finds out, it will ruin everything. There is also another secret out there that Priest has yet to divulge to Robbie. Robbie is falling in love with both men and the need between the three of them burns super hot, but those secrets are still waiting to make their appearance and Robbie may soon feel like he doesn’t know his men at all.

Confessions: Julien continues after Confessions: Robbie and the books make the most sense reading them in order. The first book set up Robbie into the relationship with both Julien and Priest. The end of the first book had Robbie moving in with the men as both Julien’s and Priest’s pasts were catching up to them.

Julien blames himself for his sister’s death. They were incredibly close and not a day goes by that he isn’t tormented in some way. As the anniversary of her death grows closer, Julien emotions plunge deeper and darker. Priest is there for Julien, however, and they truly care for each other. Robbie wants to be there for Julien also, but he doesn’t have all the facts yet.

The book covers the physical relationship between the men, as well as the secrets that both Julien and Priest have. This is Julien’s book, but the men are so tied together at this point that everything involves the three of them. The intimate scenes between the men showcase Frank’s talent to in keeping the scenes hot and fresh each and every time. There are scenes with the three of them, as well as scenes moving the physical relationship forward between Robbie and Julien, and Robbie and Priest.

This book may have suffered some from book two syndrome for me. Where the second book is more of a bridge to the overall story arc. It takes ¾ of the book to find out exactly what happened to Julien’s sister, and after it being teased through book one, it took a long time to get there. Also, while it’s still a tragedy, I was expecting the reveal to be a little more unexpected then what we got.

The relationship between the men was quick and much of it in the first book was based on the attraction the men had for each. While this was evident, Robbie is just starting to realize how little he truly knows about the men he lives with and the ending here is a set up for the continuation into the third book.

The heat between Julien, Robbie, and Priest remains hot and Frank once again delivers the physical side of the relationship. There are brief cameos of Logan and Tate here that read as natural and were well placed and it’s always a welcome addition to see those two men.

While this book was more of a bridge to get to the conclusion for me, I do love being in the worlds that Frank creates and I will be anticipating the remainder of the series. If you enjoyed Robbie and his men in the first book, you’ll want to check this out as well.


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