Rating: 4.25 stars
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Length: Short Story

Adam Holderman isn’t particularly interested in getting to know Buzz Stiles when they first meet while working at Wild Waters Park. Adam is a only business major so he won’t disappoint his family, but he has dreams of becoming a novelist. He isn’t attracted to Goth-skater types like Buzz. But there is something about him that Adam can not get out of his mind. And after a month of spending more and more time with Buzz at work, Adam realizes that he likes being around him.

“It was nice to spend time with someone who didn’t constantly tell him he should do this, or be that, or act this other way. He got more than he could stand of that from his parents and other friends.”

Buzz asks Adam out on a date every day for the entire month after they meet. With school starting in a week, Adam realizes that he will miss spending time with Buzz so he finally accepts a date. In one night, on one date, Adam starts to figure out that Buzz may be the exception to his rule. Buzz may be the one person who can balance out his life.

Catching a Buzz is part of the Midsummer Night’s Steam collection from Samhain Publishing. It’s a story that I would classify as a “summer read.” It’s a very light read with no angst and a happy ending. The story also comes with a lesson: Don’t judge a book – or a person, in this case – by its cover.

The characters are both in a point of their lives where they are learning their likes and dislikes with in a relationship. Opposites attract is a true adage in this case. Both Adam and Buzz are not only attracted to each other, but their personalities challenge one another. The characters were very well built. Adam is quite the character. As well put together as he seemed, he was a procrastinator to the highest degree. If something was bothering him – his family finding out he was gay, his friendship with Buzz, or his college major – he always told himself he would think about that tomorrow. And when “tomorrow” showed up he was not prepared to face it. He also had an inner voice that was a southern belle that constantly had me giggling.

The story is written from Adam’s point of view, which is my only quibble. Don’t get me wrong, I liked Adam’s character and found his story interesting. But I really would have liked a little bit of Buzz’s perspective too. He seemed like such an interesting character that I would have really loved to get his point of view throughout the story as well.

The storyline was sweet, fun, and upbeat. It is a story of two young men learning their way through what could be a lasting relationship. There was one minor conflict and resolution at the end of the story but nothing angsty and heart-wrenching.

In conclusion, Catching a Buzz is a light-hearted, cute story that I would recommend to read by the pool in the summer or by the fire in the winter. It will bring a smile to your face and a little warmth to your heart.