Rating: 4 stars
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Length: Novel

Harold Jacobs is a shy, insecure freshman at Holsum College. He is socially awkward and tries hard to deflect attention from himself. But what makes Harold most self-conscious is his enormous cock. It is so big Harold hides himself in baggy clothes to keep it obscured and showers late at night to avoid anyone seeing him. But one night hunky Owen McKenzie comes into the bathroom when Harold thinks he is all alone and all of Harold’s goods are on display. Harold is totally hot for Owen and he is both excited and mortified to be seen by the other man.

Owen is attractive, self-confident, and popular. He is used to being liked and being part of the in crowd. Owen is also bi, although he closed off that part of himself in high school, preferring the easier route of dating women. But seeing Harold in all his glory has reignited those instincts he thought he had buried. Not to mention the fact that he genuinely likes Harold and wants to be his friend.

Owen decides that he wants to help Harold be less socially awkward. He tries to get him to dress in more flattering clothes, socialize more, and shed his geeky image. But the more time he spends with Harold, the more Owen realizes he is falling for Harold himself. Owen is not sure he is ready to be out there are as gay/bi. He is used to being popular and well-liked and is nervous about the reactions of his friends and teammates. Owen knows that if wants to really be with Harold he needs to let go of his fears and be willing to be public about his feelings. At the same time, Harold needs to have the self-confidence to trust that Owen really cares for him and to believe in himself and their relationship.

My Fair Dork continues Harris’ Holsum College series and is another enjoyable addition. As with many of the others, it focuses on insecurities about coming out and the conflict between wanting to be yourself and worries about how others will perceive you. Here we see Owen struggle with conflict, wanting Harold but not sure he is ready for others’ reactions. It is clear Owen is used to people liking him and to being easily accepted and he is not really ready to face negative reactions. And I could really understand that, as Owen had pushed his bisexuality deep inside and never really expected to fall for Harold the way he does. At the same time, I found some of Owen’s issues a little confusing. We learn that in high school he came out with little negative reaction from his family. Then he started dating women exclusively, although I am not really sure I understood what happened here.  We never get a lot of clarity about whether he consciously decided not to date men, and if so, why. He has gay friends, including one on the football team with him (Griffin from Genius and the Jock). So I had a bit of a hard time understanding all of Owen’s fears, especially since he faces virtually no negative fall out once he and Harold are together. I get that this is a difficult issue for lots of people so this is only really a minor complaint, I just wish I could see more clearly why Owen was so concerned and what happened to make him go back in the closet after coming out in high school.

For me the bigger problem is the way Harold treats Owen during this whole time. There just seems to be an understanding that Owen is leading and that Harold will be willing to take whatever scraps he can get. Owen wants to hook up with Harold, but doesn’t want anyone to know. He really cares for Harold, but he freaks when people might find out. And he just doesn’t really seem to understand that he is treating Harold badly or even get why his behavior might bother Harold. At the same time, Harold goes from fine with Owen keeping things a secret, to totally upset about it, to fine for a short time, to upset at Owen’s actions all in the space of a day. In one incident it is clear why Harold would suddenly become angry, but there were times where I couldn’t totally get where Harold was coming from either.

All that being said, there was a lot I liked here as well. I have a soft spot for the dorky guys and I really loved Harold. He is so shy and insecure and covers himself up for fear of folks seeing the real him, both physically and emotionally. And his mortification over his giant cock is just hysterical. The early scenes in the shower where Harold shows his dismay over his large endowments made me giggle.

He stared sadly down at the thing jutting between his legs like a saber, water dripping off the tip since he was in the shower. It was hard, as usual. The fucker mocked him like that. He swore his penis enjoyed getting hard all the time just because it made Harold extra awkward every moment of his life…

Of course, Owen went right over to the showerhead across from where Harold was standing and turned on the water. This was a nightmare. Now Owen was going to be staring at Harold’s narrow shoulders and bony butt. If the front of him embarrassed Harold, the backside wasn’t much better. He wasn’t buff like Owen. In fact, he was scrawny by just about any standard.

Maybe his dick took up all the energy he ate, like a rogue parasite in a science-fiction movie. It absorbed all the calories he took in and was slowly starving him to death.

In addition, Harris once again brings her trademark heat to this story. The guys are super sexy together and the thrill each of them has when they are intimate is both fun and exciting. I really liked seeing the development of their feelings for one another and the guys are both really sweet in their growing love. So despite some concerns about the coming out elements and how Owen handles it all, I did find this story enjoyable. I continue to find this series fun and entertaining and great when you want a nice easy read.