hell's endRating: 5 stars
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Length: Novel

Hell’s End…a space station with multiple levels, each one holding a seething, tumultuous mass of society.  Many in war against each other, some in deep poverty, while others, safely cocooned, with the government and its assets at their disposal.  An era of genetic experimentation and playing god over the lives of its citizens has left the government scrambling to keep revolutionaries from storming its door.  Despite that, the rebels continue to move and thrive and plot the demise of the corrupt and evil empire that rules the space station.

On level 32 of this “world” lives those whom no one else wanted, no one else cared for, a society of children and teens headed by Sandman.  The “gutters” are a society of cannibalistic youth who scrabble to live, stealing and fighting to keep alive.  They will kill their own if a whiff of treason or disloyalty rends the air or if they suspect a “gutter” has exposed their hideout.  Here is where we find our hero, Tuck, running for his life from the knives and hands of his fellow gang mates.  He had been on a raid and almost got caught—and that right there was enough to condemn him to death.

And so he runs…only to be caught by one of the feuding families and locked up to become nothing better than a drugged out whore for sale.  Until his hero steps in…Ivan.   A soldier for the despised government sent on a rescue mission for one little gutter.  They meet, and through a twist of fate they irrevocably intertwine their lives together.  When it is discovered that the government wants Tuck because of his genetically altered mind that records information completely and forever, Ivan and Tuck are in a race against time to find the rebel camp, warn them of the danger and get out alive.

What a story!  Ally Blue is a master at creating alternate realities and futuristic worlds and then inhabiting them with the most fascinating people ever to grace the page of a sci-fi novel.  She does not falter here in Hell’s End—not one bit.  You are thrust into the world and, immediately, your adrenaline begins to soar.  To minimize this novel by saying it is “action packed” is like saying that Mother Goose wrote a “few” nursery rhymes!   I could not put this novel down!

It was just an excellent story from beginning to end.  This author immersed us in a world where anything could happen, where human lives were forfeit, and where the government is so corrupt that scientific experimentation is not only allowed but encouraged.  Families torn apart, children separated from their parents who “disappeared” suddenly.  And in the midst of it all, a small rebel force who want to destroy the evil that has thrived and governed them all.

Hell’s End is a cleverly disguised commentary on the very real idea that bad government eats its people up and tosses them aside with no care as to their wellbeing or happiness.  It strikes at the very core of genetic engineering and asks the hard questions about what right, if any, the Fed has to play with human life.  But don’t be put off by this—and never fear, this is a top-notch sci-fi novel with a deliciously hot romance and action for days.  Smart, fast-paced and deeply engrossing—that is Hell’s End in a nutshell!  I highly recommend this novel to you!

Hell’s End will be released on Tuesday, May 21st from Samhain Publishing
