The-Uncertain-CustomerRating: 5 stars
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Length: Novella

The Uncertain Customer is a gem of a novella — one that may not appeal to every reader, but will definitely satisfy those who enjoy books about rent boys and don’t mind some untraditional partnering with their sex scenes.  The tough thing about books with m/m/m scenes or m/m/m/m, as is the case here, is that the reader can often lose a sense of emotional attachment between the lovers, and if that is your hesitation, do not worry.  The main couple in this novella has an undeniable chemistry, as well as a sweetness based upon a long history of friendship and unrequited passion.

Devon Wilcox, the son of a viscount, has power and prestige, and also happens to have been quite unlucky in love as of late.  Because he has to hide the most important side of himself, he’s been forced to find relationships with undesirables — and has ended up physically and emotionally damaged as a result.  His best friend, Sir Wallace Church, has taken it upon himself to cheer up Wilcox by taking him to a high-end brothel, The Garden, which discreetly caters to the elite and powerful. Wilcox isn’t sure what he’s getting into, but when he’s introduced to two “flowers,” beautiful rent boys who offer an evening he’ll never forget, he has a difficult time remembering his reservations.  Wilcox is both traumatized and excited by his desire to catch a glimpse of his best friend as well, since he’s been tortured all his life by the feelings he’s had for Church, which he is certain will always remain unrequited.

This novella takes place over the course of the evening.  It is short, but it isn’t lacking in anything that you’d expect to find from a longer length novel.  The characters are well-developed, the story is compelling, the sex scenes are smoking hot, and the writing is some of the best I’ve ever read.  Don’t go into this reading experience expecting anything other than what I’ve told you, and you won’t be disappointed.  Pearl Love was a new to me author and one that will go on my auto-buy list.  She so vividly painted every detail of this evening, it was impossible not to be drawn in by it; the descriptions of every movement, every sound, every smell, and every emotion were beautifully captured with the author’s use of evocative language.  I highly recommend this novella and am looking up Love’s other works as soon as I finish this review!

A review copy of this book was provided by Dreamspinner Press.

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