One Perfect WishRating: 4 stars
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Length: Short Story

Scott falls asleep in a hotel room but wakes up wrapped in Cameron’s arms, with Cameron’s morning wood pressed against his arse. But who is Cameron?  The answer comes from the Djinn standing at the end of their bed.

Somehow, the impossible has happened. Scott is married to Cameron, but just for one day.  Scott, a workaholic, thinks that all he needs to do is endure the day and get back to his life.  What Scott gradually realizes is that his life wasn’t really living and plans for after midnight begin to form.  Midnight comes and midnight goes, leaving Scott back where this adventure began, in his hotel room.  Desperate to find Cameron without a clue where to start, Scott risks never seeing the other half of his soul again.

Be careful what you wish for, it might come true.  I am not sure what to classify this story as, fantasy/contemporary?  In any work of fiction I start, I naturally suspend my disbelief, mostly because whatever happens in the stories I read will rarely mirror real-life and with good reason. Real-life is boring and repetitive for the most part.

What I found about One Perfect Wish is that Brown took into account the trickle down effect, one action invariably leads to another, and another.  There were some tears shed and I found it curious that neither of the main characters appear to know how the events came to pass.  The fact that this is a “perfect day” for Cameron and Scott, and that it is not natural in origin, allowed me to overlook the rampant sex and other oddities found in the story.  I really liked Cameron, and grew to like Scott eventually, even though they were not the most complex characters, primarily due to the circumstances, but also because of the length of the story.

This certainly isn’t your run of the mill story, in fact it is the first M/M story I have read that features a Djinn.  Brown set the stage and threw a curveball at the end, which is where those aforementioned tears came from.  Definitely an unusual but worthwhile read.

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