Bowerbirds: The Nested Hearts Book 2Rating: 4 stars
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Length: Novel

After spending his teenage and adult life taking care of his son, James Maron is adjusting to being in his first real relationship. Now dating wealthy CFO, Gabriel Juerez, James struggles with maintaining his pride at having been able to keep his head above the poverty line and feeling as if he needs to be rescued by a Sugar Daddy.

Gabe has struggled with balancing his relationships and his work. In the past, money has always fixed his relationship problems…except with James. If Gabe wants to keep his relationship with James together, he needs to face the ghosts of his past and reconsider his priorities.

This is the second book in the Nested Hearts series. It cannot be read as a stand-alone as readers must have read the first in the series to understand how the relationship developed.

In this book, James and Gabe are navigating their new relationship, which is starting off on some rough waters as Gabe wants to “help” James since his monthly budget is calculated right down to the last penny, but James won’t let him. For James, entrusting his and his son’s life into the hands of another – a person who may walk away from him because they come from totally different worlds – isn’t going to happen. The more Gabe pushes, the more James retreats into himself and hides his feelings from Gabe.

For Gabe, money has always solved his relationship problems. When James refuses his attempts at placating his absence with gifts, Gabe has to learn how to show James he loves him through actions and words.

I have to admit, despite knowing James’ story from the first book, I was unprepared for the reality of his life for these last 18 years. Keeping a running budget, down to the last penny; sleeping in a twin sized bed from his own youth; deciding between medical procedures and putting food on the table – it was overwhelming. Which is why is wanted to throw the book against the wall when his son’s birth mother appears. Without spoiling it for readers, I will just say that it angered me how she thinks she has a right to any opinion and that I didn’t get Dylan’s response to her appearance.

Overall, this book gave me the HEA that I needed. If you haven’t read the Nested Hearts series, I highly recommend it!

A review copy of this book was provided by Dreamspinner Press.

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