Black of NightRating: 3.25 stars
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Length: Novel

Matthew is a vampire and a nightshift cook in a diner. As a member of Bloodkiss Avros, one of Matthew’s talents is to be able to acquire a human’s feelings and memories through touch. In an effort to relieve one of the diner’s regular customers of his obvious pain, Matthew touches the police officer, only to share the sight of the gruesome murder of a child.

Rory takes over as manager of May’s Magnolia Diner after his uncle has to step down following illness. Rory is a werewolf and acting Head Sire of Clan Coltraine. As soon as he meets Matthew, Rory feels a physical attraction, but after Rory is met with coldness he presumes this is because of Matthew’s sexual preferences. Little does he know that the vampire is preoccupied with preventing the serial killer stalking Madison. As the sexual tension increases between the two men, they realize how closely the murders are linked to the Coltraines, but finding the perpetrator could start a fight between vampires and weres and put them both in danger.

Matthew is the strongest of the protagonists in this story and we admire his vulnerability, as well as his detachment and unwillingness to recognise the mated link between Rory and himself. On the other hand, Rory becomes obsessed with the idea of them being “mates” and I think that at times this detracts from other parts of the plot. The word mate is repeated so frequently during the story that it’s meaning diminishes.

Without the mystery thread, which Blue is able to continue throughout Black of Night, I would have been easily frustrated by the story and the constant bickering and make-up sex between Rory and Matthew. However, Blue gives both her paranormal species enough original qualities that the story cannot be classed as formulaic. The development of the plot is a surprise for the reader, though I think the fairytale-type ending will disappoint some.

Although I personally felt unsatisfied by Black of Night, I know there will be readers who the story will appeal to, particularly those who enjoy the vampire/werewolf romance trope.

kirsty sig