law of attraction audioStory Rating: 4.25 stars 
Audio Rating: 4.25 stars

Narrator: Matthew Lloyd Davies
Length: 6 hours, 7 minutes

Audiobook Buy Links: Audible
Book Buy Links:  Amazon | All Romance

Alec is a busy attorney who is in the closet and has no plans to ever leave. He keeps his sexual interaction strictly casual and reserved for occasional hookups. One night, Alec picks up a cute man at a bar and takes him home. The connection between Alec and Ed is explosive and they spend a wonderful night together. But the next morning, Alec sends Ed on his way, figuring they will never see one another again. Although he likes Ed, Alec knows there can be nothing between them.

When Alec shows up at work on Monday, however, he is shocked to find the man he thought was a one night stand is the new temporary employee on his legal team. Alec is terrified that Ed will out him to his co-workers, but Ed has no intention of causing trouble. He is annoyed at the way Alec ditched him after their night together, but he knows keeping things quiet at work is best for both of them.

Although it is smart to keep things professional, neither Alec nor Ed can help the attraction building between them. They are so drawn together, but Alec’s determination to keep being gay a secret means there is little hope for a future together. But the connection between Ed and Alec just grows every day, and now Alec must decide if he his fears about coming out are more important than the love he is beginning to feel for Ed and the dreams he has of a future between them.

Once again, Jay Northcote has created a sexy and well developed romance that I really enjoyed. The set up here is not a new one in romance land. I call it the “Grey’s Anatomy” storyline — two strangers meet, have a night of passion, and then plan to never seen one another again until they walk into work and realize they are coworkers. However, Northcote does a really great job here with what is a common trope and really creates a lovely story. I loved Ed and Alec together and felt like the men are really nicely developed. Alec in particular is well explored. His unwillingness to come out could have really gotten frustrating as that is really the sole conflict carrying the story. But Northcote develops a really well done back story for him that helps us understand his reasons for keeping things quiet. Alec grows really nicely over the course of the book, and we feel the thrill along with him when he finally can stop hiding and be his true self.

I listened to this story on audio and really enjoyed Matthew Lloyd Davies’ narration. His voice fits well with both characters, and while they were not incredibly distinct, I felt they were each nicely conveyed and it was easy to follow each man’s thoughts and conversation. The pacing is good and the side characters are handled nicely. This is a sexy book and Davies handles the intimate scenes well and keeps the heat and intensity of Northcote’s words. This is an easy story to listen to and the narration makes it really enjoyable.

I am a fan of Northcote’s writing, particularly his new adult stories. He does a great job showcasing that time in one’s life where there is a lot of uncertainty and new experiences and big decisions on how to move forward. In The Law of Attraction, Northcote manages to highlight many of these same issues, this time with an older, more established hero who is figuring out what he really wants and making major changes in his life. I thought these themes were really well explored and the story nicely developed. I enjoyed this one quite a lot and would recommend it in either ebook or audio.

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