Rating: 4 stars
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Length: Novella

Jamie is a male stripper working in a club. He’s been seeing the club’s owner, Luke, for a little over a year. Jamie is in love and knows he wants a life with Luke. Luke is a little wary though. He’s got an eight-year-old daughter, Sofia, from his previous marriage, and he’s not too sure he wants to introduce anyone to her quite yet.

However, Sofia’s a bit on the precocious side, and she decides to get things going on her own and sets a sweet plan into motion. Both men are a bit taken aback, but it looks like Sofia’s plan is going to work. Jamie and Luke seem ready to take the next step on the road to happiness.

What a cute little story! I love books with children…well written children…and The Boyfriend Trap hit all the right buttons for me. Jamie and Luke are a good couple, even though Luke has some issues, and Sofia is precocious enough to be adorable without being annoying.

The story is pretty straightforward. Jamie wants more than just sex from Luke. Luke has some issues, including whether he’s ready to introduce a boyfriend to Sofia. Little Sofia just wants her Daddy to be happy and, thanks to overhearing Luke having a phone conversation to Jamie, she decides Luke needs Jamie to be happy. The author’s style is smooth and The Boyfriend Trap moves along at a steady pace. There’s no downtime or fast forward here. It also has the perfect balance of cute and hot. Both men are so good with Sofia (and each other), and the sex scenes are just the right amount of dirty. The story held my interest from beginning to end. It’s definitely not long (it only took me 15-20 minutes to read), but it’s the right length to give Jamie, Luke, and Sofia some nice character development and some tight dialogue.

The Boyfriend Trap wrapped up neatly and as expected. There weren’t any surprises, but that is perfectly fine. This is what I would call a “comfort story.” It’s short, sweet, and to the point, and it made me smile, laugh, and feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I definitely recommend this one. Grab a cup of something warm. Sit in a comfy chair. Wrap up in a cozy blanket and enjoy!