Rating: 4.5 stars
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Length: Novel

As Tav approaches adulthood and fails to display as an omega, he’s more than thankful. As a beta, Tav can pursue his vocational calling as a doctor specializing in omega health. It’s something he’s very good at and, after watching his omega mother used up and tossed aside, Tav is determined to make things better for the omegas under his care. But when he suddenly develops as an alpha, Tav finds his career in tatters and decides to retreat to a cabin away from the rest of the world.

Mir was supposed to be an alpha. That’s how they were raised, so when they present as an omega, their world implodes. Rejected by their family and forced to run, Mir knows the world offers no kindness towards omegas. This understanding is only reinforced when Mir is captured, held against their will, and experimented on for years. When Mir finally escapes, they’re pregnant and on the run. Fate brings them to Tav, but years of abuse have left Mir unable to trust and unwilling to believe an alpha could care about an omega. Tav will have to balance his desire for Mir with compassion in order to protect the omega he’s come to think of his own.

Fate, the first in the Malthusia series, is an interesting and well developed look at alpha/omega relationships. The world created by the author has its own rules, which can be confusing, but ultimately shows that kindness and equality mean more than any fluke of nature. There are some potentially triggering scenes, including one that involves a sex act performed in front of a minor (a scene I had serious issues with), so please be forewarned that Fate isn’t going to be for everyone.

Tav and Mir are both fascinating characters and the author does an excellent job of building their backstories and giving us the full picture of how they were raised and treated as children. In this world, children are gender neutral and referred to as “they” until they present as either alpha (he), omega (she) or remain a beta (they). This can be a little confusing and made for some awkward grammar choices. I can’t say these were technically wrong, but they created some jarring syntax structures. This doesn’t derail the story, but it’s something that may give readers a pause.

The pacing is generally strong, but there are times towards the middle of Fate that the action gets a bit boggy. This is usually because the world building becomes almost overwhelming and I found myself struggling to keep track of everything. When it does happen, it’s usually a brief blip. On the whole, the story is strong and pretty compelling and there was enough happening on the page to keep me wanting more.

Fate is the first in a new series and I’m looking forward to the next book. Tav and Mir are sympathetic characters and their story is compelling. Mir’s torture is terrible to witness, but with Tav we see the potential for something better, for a kinder future. If you’re a fan of alpha/omega relationships, this is definitely going to be in your wheelhouse. Just remember, it’s more graphic than most and may have some triggering scenes for certain readers.