Rating: 3.25 stars
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Length: Novel

Myron Poste was raised in Grayling, Pennsylvania in the 1860s, the second son of a rather well off family. He loved his older sister, obeyed his father, and tolerated his older brother… but when Cyrus found him in the barn with another boy’s cock in his mouth, everything changed. Offered the chance to enlist — just in time for the war between the states — or to leave his family, Myron chose to become a soldier. But, all that was some time ago and he’s not the scared young man he was. Now, he’s a well-respected cowboy helping drive a herd of longhorn to Santa Fe.

At Myron’s side, as close a friend as you can get among the wandering men who are hired on short term, is Cade Buchanan, a giant of a man with eyes as blue as the Texas sky. Myron has quite the fancy for Cade, but he knows well enough what happens to men who love other men … shot if they’re lucky, lynched if they’re not. When a moment of carelessness on the trail exposes his secret admiration for Cade, their friendship is put to the test. This will either be the end of it, or the start of something more.

Myron is a man of many sides. With Jacob, his boss’ son, he’s a friend and mentor. With Cade, he’s playful, needy, patient, and passionate. At home with his sister, he’s kind; with his brother, he’s an arrogant asshole, showing off his physical strength and reveling in the ability to bully the brother who cast him out of the family and made him feel shame for what he was. Fortunately, Myron has long since gotten over his fear or shame of being gay. He knows who he is, he knows what he wants, and he’s seen enough of the horror in the world to know that loving someone, no matter their gender, isn’t evil.

Cade, on the other hand, is more steeped in the idea of their physical intimacy being sinful. He’s used to being judged for his size and, for all that he’s a quiet man, is treated by the other men on the drive as though he’s still somewhat dangerous. Myron teases him, talks to him, shares books and a love of learning with him, and when Myron shares his body with Cade, it’s an awakening for Cade. Not that two men can fuck, but that feelings can be involved, and that what he feels for Myron is not only reciprocated, but right.

This story leans heavily on the erotica side of things with the story falling into two parts. The first is Myron and Cade on the trail, focusing on horses, cows, men, and the ever present threat of rustlers and Apache braves. And the sex. The second half sees Myron back East to deal with his family, but it’s not as well connected as I wanted. It came off feeling like I was reading a second story entirely, rather than a continuation of the first. This is mostly because Myron, when he’s with Cade, is a different person than he is when he’s at home.

There were a few mistakes that popped up, such as “dual” instead of “duel,” or “waiver” instead of “waver” that itched at my brain. This is a fun little romp if you’re looking for a light erotica read.