new coming this weekHi everyone! I hope you all had a great week!

Sorry for the delay getting things rolling today. Yesterday was Rosh Hashanah, the start of the Jewish new year, so I was offline all day. As with everything in the time of Covid, it was kind of a strange holiday. Rosh Hashanah is normally spent in synagogue, followed by a traditional meal with extended family and friends. This year was virtual synagogue over Zoom, followed by socially distanced, outdoor dinner huddled under blankets due the unseasonably cool day. But it was still nice to have some semblance of a holiday and to see the family in person. I know those opportunities will become fewer as we head into fall.

Ok, so today kicks off Week 3 of our Reading Challenge MonthPast/Future Week. This week is all about reading historicals, futuristics, steampunk, and pretty much anything that is not contemporary. Look for the kickoff post for this week’s challenge coming up very shortly, and the winners announced from last week soon after that. Even if you haven’t been participating in Reading Challenge Month so far, there is still plenty of time to get involved. We have two more weeks of challenges, plus a huge grand prize still to be awarded (Kindle Paperwhite loaded with 50 books from NineStar Press). So keep your eyes open for those challenge posts!

And here is what we have planned this week:

  • Review: Natural Twenty by Charlie Novak (Sammy)
  • Review: Choices by Kaje Harper (Sue)
  • Guest Post: Common Goal by Rachel Reid
  • Review: Young King Arthur and the Round Table Knights by Siryn Sueng (Elizabeth)
  • Review: Cinderella Proposal by Harley Grace (Michelle)

  • Review: The Soldati General by Charlie Cochet (Jay)
  • Review: Taking Stock by A.L. Lester (Camille)
  • Guest Post: Press by Nora Phoenix
  • Review: Soothe Me, Daddy by Elouise East (Kenna)
  • Review: Can’t Get You Out of My Bed by Isla Olsen (Michelle)

  • Review: Impossibly Fond by Tanya Chris (Jay)
  • Review: Forbidden by Wayne Mansfield (Kris)
  • Review: Men of the Cross by Charlene Newcomb (Sue)
  • Guest Post: Grim & Sinister Delights with Alex Jane and Brea Alepou
  • Review: Submerging Inferno by Brandon Witt (Sammy)

  • Audiobook Review: In the Solace by Hailey Turner (Jay)
  • Audiobook Review: Noble Metals by L.A. Witt (Jovan)
  • Guest Post: Feinted Love by Elle Keaton
  • Buddy Review: Romeo x Julien by Mary Dumas and Bettina Kurkowski (Camille and Elizabeth)
  • Audiobook Review: Royally Screwed by Lynn Van Dorn (Michelle)

  • Review: The Same Breath by Gregory Ashe (Jay)
  • Audiobook Review: Manners and Mannerisms by Tanya Chris (Veronica)
  • Guest Post: Romeo X Julien by Mary Dumas and Bettina Kurkowski
  • Review: Boy Issues by Morticia Knight (Kris)
  • Review: Blood Dance by Samantha Cayto (Sammy)

  • Cover Reveal: The Lost Ship of the Tucker Rebellion by Marie Sexton and Cari Z

And that should do it for this week. Thanks!

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