Rating: 4 stars
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Length: Novel

It’s the holiday season and the Kelly family is ready to celebrate. With new babies joining the family, babies on the way, and engagements and recent weddings, life is full for the family. The Kelly brothers are living their lives and planning their futures and even if one kid is scared of Santa, or kids are taking away their alone time, or there is glitter…everywhere, the brothers are happier than ever.

The Kelly family is the heart of Isla Olsen’s Love & Luck series and this story should be read by those familiar with the series. The book flows through all of the brothers and their relationships and we get to see where they all are. It’s a really fun look at the family, not only during the holidays, but also into their stories and their lives from where we last left them.

This is a lighter story where life is moving along great for the family and they are all happy and have found the relationships they have been longing for. The author moves easily from one point of view to the next as we get a closer look at the brothers, but some of the voices still sound the same and it did take a moment or two to remember some details as a lot has already happened in the series. The men also still don’t read like they have spent all of their lives in NYC, from some of their dialogue, slang, and even the sports they play, and this far into the series, it’s perplexing while this still occurs. The couples all seem to get equal time, so if you have a favorite, there are scenes with everyone, including the infamous Kelly family chat.

If you have followed along with the Kelly family, this is a book that should be on your list to read. The book also sets up Liam, another Kelly brother, and his story and relationship with Ellie and Cass, and it will certainly be fun to hang out again with the Kelly family in 2021.