new coming this weekHi folks, I hope you had a great week!

We are spending a long weekend at the beach with the girls, as both just finished their summer jobs and have a couple of weeks before going back to work and school. Then, next weekend I leave for the Rainbow Readers Cruise and I am sooo excited. So it is going to be a busy couple of weeks, but all fun stuff. End of summer is always a strange time, but I’m glad we are getting to squeeze in some vacation before settling in for fall.

And here is what we have planned this week on the blog…

  • Review: Once an Alpha by Kaje Harper (Camille)
  • Review: Toxic AF by Bey Deckard (Michelle)
  • Review: Road to a Cowboy by Amy Aislin (Veronica)
  • Guest Post: Resurrecting My Magic by Timoteo Tong

  • Review: Angel by Linden Bell (Jay)
  • Review: The Palace of Eros by Caro De Robertis (Elizabeth)
  • Guest Post: Mercury Rising by Kristian Parker

  • Review: Breaking Through the Pain by Haven Hadley (Kris)
  • Review: Time’s Agent by Brenda Peynado (Elizabeth)
  • Guest Post: Angel by Linden Bell

  • Review: The Seduction of James Gray by Colette Rivera (Michelle)
  • Review: Unacceptable Risk by Kaje Harper (Camille)
  • Guest Post: Horribly Harry by Lisa Henry and Sarah Honey

  • Review: Dropping Like Flies by H.L. Day (Jay)
  • Review: Broken Mirror by Cody Sisco (Elizabeth)
  • Review: Magic Escaping by Kaje Harper (Sue)
  • Guest Post: Chosen by the Champion by A.L. Morrow

And that should do it for this week. Enjoy!

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