Rating: 4.25 stars
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Length: Novel


This is the 5th book in the SOS Hotel series. While this book does contain a “big reveal,” there are no spoilers in this review. However, this series is intended to be read in order and the review may naturally reveal plot points of the series.

“Closed for gremlin extermination…
Reopening again soon!”

The above two lines are the blurb for this book. If you’ve followed along with this series, it will make absolute sense and that’s really about all that is needed here. Zee also offers a fun recap in the beginning to keep readers on track. The hotel isn’t actually closed, but there is an infestation of gremlins that are chewing their way through the hotel, making it difficult to attract guests. Adam is trying to get some help with this, but funds are low and every moment there is another emergency that needs his attention. Well maybe not every situation needs his attention, but Adam, Zee, and Reynard are drawn into one catastrophe after the next.

The series is wacky and zany in the best of ways. Adam, Zee, and Reynard are three different personalities that complement each other as their relationships grow. Zee and Reynard are reluctantly admitting their attraction and connection to each other, and Reynard knows who and what Adam exactly is. Adam is terrified of anyone knowing, for a number of reasons, and he knows he has to tell Zee, but when people find out they leave him…or worse.

While the plot line with the pixies and the gremlins got a little muddled for me, that didn’t hinder the delight that this series provides. Adam is a special and unique character, his tone and dry humor are always entertaining, and with two books left in the series, I await their own style of happy ending for the crew at the SOS Hotel.