Barry Creyton

October Favorite Books

Hi all! I hope you had a great month! Between being at GRL and then getting Covid, October seems to have just flown by! I can’t believe we are already nearing the end of the year! With the the new month, we are back to share our favorite books from October. Here...

Review: The View from Olympus Mons by Barry Creyton

Rating: 4.75 stars Buy Link: Amazon | iBooks | Amazon UK Length: Novel   Craig and Nate are the epitome of opposites. Craig shares a run-down trailer with his drug-addicted mother. He’s all of fifteen years old, yet carrying the responsibility of...
4.75 Star Rating

Coming This Week

Hi all! I hope you had a great week! I have been attempting to settle back in to real life after our long vacation. I can’t believe we are already in October and GRL and other fall fun is just around the corner! I’ll admit, I much more of a summer fan, but...