new coming this weekHi all! Hope you had a great week!

Sorry I am a little late getting this post up today. Yesterday was busy busy! First, we moved my younger daughter back into college. I am excited for her, but also, after having her here all summer, it is so hard getting used to being empty nesters again. Fortunately, her school is very close and we get to see her often, so I know I am lucky. We also celebrated by father-in-law’s 80th birthday at our house last night, so we came home from dropping my daughter off just in time to prepare to host a big family dinner. By the time it was all over, I was wiped!

I’m finally getting some time to sit down at the computer after being out of town for part of last week and playing some catchup with everything going on. Here is what we have planned for this week:

  • Review: Where the Sky Meets the Sea by Kit Barrie (Jay)
  • Review: Demigod 12 by Gail Carriger (Elizabeth)
  • Guest Post: Magic, Demons, and the Hunter by J.P. Sayle
  • Review: The Fortunate Son by Aimee Nicole Walker (Kris)

  • Review: Mann Hunt by Peter E. Fenton (Jovan)
  • Review: Apprentice’s Luck by K.L. Noone (Camille)
  • Guest Post: Like You Hate Me by Bethany Winters

  • Review: In Charm’s Way by Lana Harper (Jay)
  • Review: Until You by Felicity Snow (Veronica)
  • Review: Monsters and Mind Games by Emily Brandish (Elizabeth)
  • Guest Post: Mann Hunt by Peter E. Fenton

  • Review: Dragon’s Dawn by Sam Burns and W.M. Fawkes (Jay)
  • Review: Trade Deadline by Jodi Oliver (Michelle)
  • Guest Post: Bad Pucking Timing by Michele Lenard

  • Review: Daddy Cam by K.M. Neuhold (Jay)
  • Review: Warrior King by Eden Winters (Camille)
  • Review: Only Skin Deep by Kelex (Elizabeth)
  • Review: Exiled by Jessie Walker (Michelle)

And that should do it for this week! Enjoy!

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