new coming this weekHi all! I hope you had a great week and are enjoying your holiday season!

We spent most of the week at the beach relaxing (and eating). I got lots of reading in, as well as some walks and other low-key fun. My girls both came for at least part of the time, so it was nice to have some family time together. Tonight we are gearing up for our 23rd annual New Year’s Eve get together with our great group of friends. We started our joint celebrations when I was pregnant with my oldest and are still going strong. Now, most of the kids are in college or beyond, but the adults still get together every year to spend the evening together.

I hope you all have a wonderful New Year and a great night, whatever you are doing this evening! And here is what we have planned on the blog as we kick off the new year…

  • Joyfully Jay 2023 in Review!
  • Review: Dead Serious Case #4: Professor Prometheus Plume by Vawn Cassidy (Jay)
  • Review: As King’s Companion by Forest Greene (Veronica)

  • Review: Home for the Howlidays by Charlie Cochet (Veronica)
  • Review: Eye of a Little God by A.J. Steiger (Jovan)
  • Review: Okay, Cupid by Mason Deaver (Elizabeth)
  • Guest Post: Dead Serious Case #4: Professor Prometheus Plume by Vawn Cassidy

  • Review: Something Wicked by Lily Morton (Jay)
  • Review: Something Unforgettable by Rory Maxwell (Michelle)
  • Review: Good Housekeeping by Dove Spalding (Camille)
  • Review: Rebel Without a Claus by Charlie Cochet (Veronica)

  • Audiobook Review: Confetti Hearts by Lily Morton (Jay)
  • Review: Midnight at Maidenstone Hall by Alison Clare (Elizabeth)
  • Guest Post: We Burn Beautiful by Lance Lansdale
  • Audiobook Review: Guys Like Him by Aimee Nicole Walker (Veronica)

  • Review: Ogres and Other Dating Dilemmas by T.J. Nichols (Jay)
  • Review: Unnatural Fate by J.R. Gray (Elizabeth)
  • Review: Heart-Shaped Box by Suki Fleet (Michelle)
  • Guest Post with A.E. Via

And that should do it for this week! Happy New Year!

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