new coming this weekHi all! I hope you had a great week!

We are in the middle of an intense heat wave in the DC area, so it is has been unbelievably hot. I’m not sure how many of you are familiar with the area, but DC was built on a swamp and when the weather gets warm, you can sure feel it! Our upstairs is about 15 degrees warmer than our downstairs, so I am super excited to check out those air conditioning bills! I hope you are all having more luck staying comfortable in this weather (and safe as well!).

The one plus of the hot weather is that I am enjoying sitting inside and reading! Here is what we have planned this week:

  • Review: The Bump by Sidnew Karger (Jay)
  • Review: The Latecomer by Sarah Aldridge (Elizabeth)
  • Review: If We Survive by Rianne Elizabeth (Michelle)
  • Guest Post: Batting Style by Louisa Masters

  • Review: Best Play by Layla Reyne (Jay)
  • Review: Hoodoo House by Peter E. Fenton (Jovan)
  • Guest Post: F**k, Marry, Kill Me, Daddy by Lance Lansdale
  • Review: Saints of Storm and Sorrow by Gabriella Buba (Elizabeth)

  • Audiobook Review: Mystery Magnet by Gregory Ashe (Michelle)
  • Review: The Ghost of Us by James L. Sutter (Veronica)
  • Guest Post: Hoodoo House by Peter E. Fenton

  • Review: Weddings and Other One-Night Stands by T.J. Nichols (Jay)
  • Review: Salacious Park Avenue Prince by Ella Frank and Brooke Blaine (Michelle)
  • Guest Post: Forever Always by Jacey Davis
  • Guest Post: Enchanter of Dragons by Zarina Aston

  • Review: Creek by Nora Phoenix and E.M. Lindsey (Jay)
  • Review: Labryinthian by Sunny Moraine (Camille)
  • Guest Post: Level Up by Max Walker

And that should do it for this week! Enjoy!

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