Today I am so pleased to welcome Aimee Nicole Walker to Joyfully Jay. Aimee has come to talk to us about her latest release, The Keeper. She has also brought along a great giveaway. Please join me in giving her a big welcome!

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Exclusive Excerpt

Just because he purchased the phone didn’t mean he had to use it. He kept repeating that to himself as he plugged it in to charge and contemplated what he’d say to Seth throughout poker night on the ranch. He spoke the words out loud even as he dialed the number he’d memorized nine months ago before deleting it from his phone. Rueben convinced himself Seth wouldn’t answer. It was late. He’d had an emotional day that might not even be over yet, and Rueben called from a number Seth wouldn’t recognize. 

He answered on the second ring. “Burke.” 

There were so many things Rueben wanted to say, but all he could manage was a shaky inhale. 

“Rueben.” His name rolled off Seth’s tongue like a whispered prayer. 

“How’d you know?”

“You make that same shaky breath every time I’ve slid my dick inside you.” 

Rueben bit his lips to hold back the answering whimper, but he was no match for it. 

Seth chuckled. “I know that sound too.” 

“Would you believe me if I said I didn’t call for dirty talk or to breathe heavy in your ear?” 

“Yes,” Seth replied simply. “So, why did you?”

“You’ve just been on my mind. Your entire family has, actually. I know tonight must’ve been so hard for all of you.” 

Seth inhaled deep and slow. “It was, but we found comfort in the love that surrounded us. People created beautiful video montages of Natalie. We laughed, cried, and remembered her through hours of shared stories and love. She was so damn special.” 

“Runs in the family.” 

“I don’t know about that,” Seth replied. “Where are you calling me from?”

“Um, I’m using an unregistered prepaid phone I bought with cash.” 

Seth was silent for so long Rueben thought he’d disconnected until a soft chuckle reached his ears. “You bought a burner phone?” 

Heat bloomed in his cheeks. “You make it sound so shady.” 

“Because it is.” 

“No one will know it’s me if I don’t register it,” Rueben said. 

“Checking the cell tower pings will narrow the suspect pool. And what about security cameras in the store you bought it from?” 

Rueben grimaced. “I told you once that I made an awful criminal.” 

“That you did.” Seth sighed. “I am so glad to hear your voice, though.” 

“So, you won’t mind chatting a little longer?”

“Maybe for a few minutes.” 

That turned into a few hours, and it was well past midnight when a huge yawn cracked Rueben’s jaw. 

“Sounds like it’s bedtime for you.” Seth’s voice was the sleepy softness Rueben loved. “Thank you for checking on me.” 

“My pleasure.” Rueben’s words held a little purr in them, but neither remarked on it. 

“But you’re not going to call me again, right?” Seth asked. 

“Of course not.” 

Seth groaned huskily. “Liar.” 

Rueben bit his lip to keep from laughing. “You don’t have to answer.” 

“And I won’t.” 

“Liar. Good night, Seth.” 

“Night, baby.” 

Rueben didn’t catch Seth’s slip until the echoes of their goodbye woke him the next morning. He glanced at the clock and saw it was only six. Rueben picked up the burner from the nightstand and caressed it like it was his lover. “One more phone call just to hear his sexy morning voice. Then I’ll smash you under my boot.” 

Seth’s words from the previous night taunted him. Liar. 


the keeper coverRedemption Ridge, Book 5

Sabotaged brakes didn’t kill Rueben Sanchez, but waiting for his assailants’ trial to start just might. A potential witness for the prosecution can’t explore his lusty feelings for the hunky sheriff who saved him, but that doesn’t stop his imagination from running wild. Rueben has already shaped his traumatic mountainside meet cute with Seth Burke into a happily ever after to tell their future grandkids. When the delay threatens to stretch on for years, Rueben feels his dreams slipping out of reach. Should he surrender gracefully or fight for his man?

Pressure and scrutiny are nothing new to Seth, but shouldering his duties has never felt like a burden until they keep him from the man he wants most. Cracking an unsolved murder, safeguarding a high-profile trial, and winning re-election should be enough to keep him busy. But he can’t stop thinking about the perfect weekend he shared with Rueben before everything careened off course. Are they as good together as Seth remembers, or is his memory swayed by the allure of the forbidden? And does he dare to find out?

Late-night phone calls and shared secrets lead to stolen kisses and a lakeside cabin rendezvous. But one encounter isn’t enough, and the two men will risk everything to explore their deepening bond. When a series of chilling events rock the county, Rueben and Seth must put more than their hearts on the line because one misstep could prove fatal.

The Keeper is book five in the Redemption Ridge series. Though each story features a different couple, reading the series in order is essential. The Keeper contains mature themes and is intended for adults.


Aimee nicole walker logoEver since she was a little girl, Aimee Nicole Walker entertained herself with stories that popped into her head. Now she gets paid to tell those stories to other people. She wears many titles—wife, mom, and animal lover are just a few of them. Her absolute favorite title is champion of the happily ever after. Love inspires everything she does, music keeps her sane, and coffee is the magic elixir that fuels her day.

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To celebrate the release of The Keeper, Aimee is giving away 3 e-copies of the release! Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!

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