Today I am so pleased to welcome Sammi Cee to Joyfully Jay. Sammi has come to talk to us about her latest release, Reaching Roland. She has also brought along a great giveaway. Please join me in giving her a big welcome!



Roland stepped back, his eyes finally focusing on me. “Well, look at you, Kenny. You look kind of like a strawberry yourself.”

Good enough to eat, I wanted to ask, then shook off that silly notion. This wasn’t a date. We were two guys hanging out and going to pick some fruit. No big deal. How many times was I going to have to remind myself?

Roland frowned, then pointed down at my feet. “What are those?”

Following the direction of his finger, I looked down at my red cowboy boots. I’d purchased them for a Halloween costume a few years ago when I went as a rancher, but I hadn’t had very many opportunities to wear them since.

Smiling up at Roland, I said, “Aren’t they great? I figured since we were going to a farm, they were perfect. Plus, they match my outfit.” I gestured from the top of my head down to my toes. Oh. I opened my red-framed glasses with the black arms and plopped them on my face. “See?”

He chuckled. I’d hoped that he’d get a kick out of them when I found them on Amazon Thursday night and had them rush delivered. “You really are perfectly attired for strawberry picking, except…” He trailed off, then stared pointedly at my boots. “Have you worn those enough for them to be comfortable?”

Actually, I hadn’t. They were barely broken in, but sometimes you paid a price for beauty. Making a so-so gesture with my hand, I said, “They’ll be fine.”

Roland’s large hands made their way back to his hips. “Let me ask you another way. Are you wearing those for comfort or for fashion?”

“Well…” I shrugged sheepishly since he’d obviously figured me out.

He made a spinning gesture with his finger. “I want you to have a good time today, which you won’t do if your feet are screaming at you. Go on back upstairs and put on some shoes that won’t hurt your feet. You already look cute as a button, so wearing comfortable shoes isn’t going to ruin your motif.”

Cute as a button? Not a date. Not a date. Not a date, I repeated to my hammering heart. Trying to distract myself, I went with teasing Roland. “But, Daddy,” I whined around the strawberry candy in my mouth.

The skin around his eyes crinkled in that way I adored. Seeing it now, I internally patted myself on the back. “You and that Daddy talk. I’m really going to have to give you a nickname of your own.” He huffed out a laugh. “Now go change, Kenny.”

“Fine.” With a stomp of my booted foot, I ran back up the stairs



Kenny’s outgoing and fun, and he makes me want to do more than my normal rinse, repeat.

I know Kenny’s only teasing me when he calls me Daddy, since I’m obviously too old, too straight, and my wife was my one true love. But there’s something about him that pulls out all of my protective instincts and makes me want to take care of him. As brightly as he shines, there’s a loneliness lurking under the surface that I long to… What? I’m not even sure, but I’m positive that I can’t walk away from my new…friend.


Being the focus of Roland’s attention makes those stupid butterflies flutter around in my stomach.

My attraction for the absolute wrong men is why I’ve given up on dating. Roland’s straight and lonely, but for whatever reason, he enjoys my company. He’s also a caretaker, and it’s nice to feel so special. His life is changing and exciting things are on his horizon, so he won’t have time for me for long, but in the meantime, I’m going to enjoy the fact that I seem to be Reaching Roland.

Welcome to the Honey-Do Daddies in the Takoda Universe. Reaching Roland is an age-gap, bi-awakening story where there’s an abundance of family—by blood and found—love, and three Daddies ready to make some big changes and transform their lives.

Please Be Kind To Yourself: This book speaks often about the loss of a spouse, and there are mentions of a teenage suicide. If either of these will interfere with your mental health, please pass it on by.

Buy Link: Amazon


Sammi Cee is a dealer of hope. After fifty years on this planet, she knows life isn’t always easy, but dreaming big, practicing gratitude, and finding inspiration in all the little things sure does help.

Partial to heartwarming books full of found family, healing, and sweet HEAs, she’s spent most of the last few years writing contemporary MM Romance in the fictional town of Takoda. Whether at the Outreach Center or The Tap Tavern, her men find a soft place to land, while falling in love.


Sammi has brought two great giveaways. One reader will win a copy of Reaching Roland and a second winner will get a $10 Amazon gift card. Just leave a comment at the end of the post to enter. The contest ends on Friday, July 5th at 11:59 pm ET.

  • By entering the giveaway, you’re confirming that you are at least 18 years old.
  • Winners will be selected by random number. No purchase necessary to win. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning.
  • If you win, you must respond to my email within 48 hours or another winner may be chosen. Please make sure that your spam filter allows email from Joyfully Jay.
  • Winners may be announced on the blog following the contest. By entering the contest you are agreeing to allow your name to be posted and promoted as the contest winner by Joyfully Jay.
  • Prizes will be distributed following the giveaway either by Joyfully Jay or the person/organization donating the prize.
  • All book prizes are in electronic format unless otherwise specified.
  • By entering you are agreeing to hold Joyfully Jay harmless if the prize or giveaway in some way negatively impacts the winner.
  • Readers may only enter once for each contest.  Duplicate entries for the same giveaway will be ignored. In the event of technical problems with the blog during the contest, every effort will be made to extend the contest deadline to allow for additional entries.
  • Void where prohibited by law.