Arcadia Trust series

Review: Tears in Time by Christian Baines

Rating: 4 stars Buy Link: Amazon | iBooks | Amazon UK Length: Novel   With memories of a horrific tale about a Blood Shade that would age, but not die, Reylan awakens in his own home with his boyfriend, Jorgas, safe beside him. The domesticity of it is in sharp...
4 Star Rating

Review: The Orchard of Flesh by Christian Baines

Rating: 4.25 stars Buy Link: Amazon | iBooks | Amazon UK Length: Novel   Blood shade, Reylan, was not enamored of the Arcadia Trust for several reasons. One, the human Patricia Bakker was at its helm and she was as inscrutable as she was unworthy of his trust....
4.25 Star Rating

Review: Sins of the Son by Christian Baines

Rating: 4 stars Buy Link: Amazon | iBooks | Amazon UK Length: Novel Blood Shade (aka vampire) Reylan has had a hell of a time recently. Jorgas, his lupine lover, has abandoned him without so much as a by-your-leave. Ross, another lupine, died saving Reylan. And now,...
4 Star Rating

Review: The Beast Without by Christian Baines

Rating: 4.75 stars Buy Link:  Amazon Length: Novel Reylan, a Blood Shade, the correct term for vampires, likes being on his own. He is wealthy, gorgeous, sexy, and particular about who he eats. He picks out his prey from the popular gay clubs of Sydney, on Oxford...
4.75 Star Rating