Heart2Heart collection

Buddy Review: Heart2Heart Anthology, Volume 7 (Contemporary)

Buy Links:  Amazon | iBooks | Amazon UK Length: Short-story Anthology   Heart2Heart is an annual charity anthology featuring stories from a variety of authors. This year, the anthology has been divided into two collections, Contemporary and Paranormal. We are...
4.5 Star Rating
4.25 Star Rating
4 Star Rating
3.5 Star Rating

Review: Heart2Heart Anthology, Volume 5

Buy Links:  Amazon | iBooks | Amazon UK Length: Anthology   Heart2Heart is an annual anthology that provides proceeds to LGBTQ+ charities. Each anthology centers around the Heart2Heart dating and community app, and this fifth volume has a Never Have I Ever theme....

Review: Heart2Heart Anthology Volume 4

Rating: 4.5 stars Buy Link: Amazon | iBooks | Amazon UK Length: Anthology In this fourth installment of the Heart2Heart anthology, paranormal beings are getting their chance at love. Eighteen authors have joined forces and donated their time to bring the newest...
4.5 Star Rating