Tia Fielding

Coming This Week

Hi all! I hope you had a great week! After having a nice break in Florida for the Coastal Magic Con, I got thrust right back into the work craziness that I was dealing with when I left. I think I have turned the corner though, so hopefully a little less busy in the...


I have some recent winners to announce! -$10 Amazon gift card from Tia Fielding: Jeanna -Until We Sort This Out by Mere Rain: Susana -Destination Bedding by Allison Temple: Lorraine Thank you to everyone who stopped by the blog and entered the contests. And a big...

Coming This Week

Hi all! I hope you had a great week! A had a surprisingly busy week compared to the normal post-holiday lull. My oldest left for a couple of weeks in London for a winter session study abroad. Her pictures look amazing and it sounds like she is having a great time. My...

Coming This Week

Hi all! Hope you had a great week! Things have been pretty quiet at home, which I think is good! We are going to the beach next weekend, which I am really excited about because its been about two months since we have been able to go and we are looking forward to some...