W.M. Fawkes

Coming This Week

Hi all! I hope you had a great week! We had a busy weekend with family and friends, and are continuing tonight for a “big game” party (as all the companies who don’t sponsor like to call it, lol). I don’t actually care too much about the game,...

Coming This Week

Hi all! I hope you had a great week! And that those of you who are experiencing super cold weather here in the U.S. are hanging in there! I keep hearing about folks with no power, so I hope everyone is doing all right! We have had a relaxing long weekend so far. My...

Coming This Week

Hi all! I hope you had a great week! Sorry I am so behind on this post today. The day (and the weekend) sort of got away from me. I’m also trying to give myself a little grace not to get too stressed about self imposed deadlines (so far, it’s a work in...

Review: Dragon’s Descent by Sam Burns and W.M. Fawkes

Rating: 3.75 stars Buy Links:  Amazon | iBooks | Amazon UK Length: Novel   Arkadii has loved King Dmitri for years, ever since they were young men and Arkadii was assigned to be Dima’s protector. His sweet flower prince was so full of joy and happiness and...
3.75 Star Rating