Rating: 4 stars
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Length: Novel


When Donovan is not taking classes in college, he’s a high fashion model. When Donovan gets sent to the wrong address for his next shoot, it changes his life. He notices the hot man also there for the shoot, but it takes Donovan a little while to realize the shoot he walked into is for a porn film, not for his model call. The offer is on the table for him to perform and Donovan would like nothing more than to get both of his hands on his potential scene partner, “Sin,” but instead Donovan walks away. Since Donovan’s friends all follow porn, Sin ends up back Donovan’s orbit and it turns out that if Donovan wants Sin in all the ways, he needs to show up on camera.

Kelly “Sin” Sinclair, never set out to be a porn star. But when his modeling career stalled and he needed to make rent, his career went in a different direction. When Kelly sees Donovan, his knows his luck has changed, but then the man is gone. When Kelly sees Donovan again, he has no intention of letting the man go, but besides traveling in completely different circles, Kelly and Donovan have to figure if it’s possible for Kelly to be a porn star and still keep their relationship to themselves.

The Park Avenue Princes are back in this second installment from the series featuring wealthy college students in NYC. Donovan was introduced in the previous book and his story is expanded here. I like that even though Donovan has lived a privileged life with extremely wealthy parents and is successful himself, he is still somewhat relatable. The chemistry between Donovan and Kelly is sizzling from the start and it’s that connection that drives the story.

It’s a hot chance meeting that sets the story in motion and the men fall into a natural rhythm. They want to be together and they are navigating what that could look like both on screen and off. Donovan will try anything once…or twice, and although he has a career and no interest in doing porn, he and Kelly certainly gives viewers plenty to watch. Their struggles are mostly internal with a few outside struggles, but their story evolves at a natural pace of getting two men together who hadn’t thought about being in a relationship.

The book is listed as a standalone, but I appreciated having knowledge of this group of friends from having read the first book, as the group refers to previous events, as well as previous characters. I liked Donovan and Kelly together and, while their overall story didn’t captivate me as much as the first book, I am certainly invested in returning again to this world for new stories, as well as glimpses of the established relationships.