Today I am so pleased to welcome Lance Lansdale to Joyfully Jay. Lance has come to talk to us about his latest release, The Househusband’s Guide to Domestic Bliss. He has also brought along a great giveaway. Please join me in giving Lance a big welcome!

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Exclusive Excerpt

Periwinkle’s eyelids inched even closer together. Arthur could tell how hard he was trying to stay awake. He didn’t want that. He didn’t like to see Periwinkle struggle. Arthur placed a hand against Periwinkle’s back and guided him into bed. Once Periwinkle was down, he no longer needed to waste precious energy remaining stationary. His eyes fluttered open half an inch wider, and he managed a smile when Arthur stroked his cheek.

“There you are,” Arthur whispered, leaning closer. “Hey, Peri.”

“Arthur. Your breakfast.” Periwinkle shook his head. “I d-don’t think I can, Arthur. Too t-tired.”

“Don’t worry about that.” Arthur smiled to put him at ease. “Here’s what’s going to happen. You’re going to have a little nap, alright? While you’re asleep, I’m going to call Mother for you.”

“You are?”

“I am. Then, we’re going to get you a new resting station. When it gets here, I’ll make sure you get the rest you need.”

“I don’t w-want—”

“—Me to see you like that,” he finished for Periwinkle. “Yeah, Peri, I know.” He reached up and tickled Periwinkle’s chin. “Do you think I don’t know that by now? I’ll look away when I do it. I promise.” Periwinkle’s eyes crept closer together, and Arthur knew he didn’t have much time. He wanted to reassure Periwinkle. To tell him there was no need to worry. That he wouldn’t ever need to worry. Not as long as Arthur was around. “When you wake up, I’m going to take you somewhere so special, it’ll make your head spin.”

“M-my head doesn’t spin, Arthur. I’m n-not built that way.”

Arthur laughed so loudly, he was sure the neighbors must have heard. “Precious boy,” he practically cooed, stroking the side of Periwinkle’s face. “My precious boy.”

Periwinkle’s eyelids fluttered. “I am?”

Arthur nodded. “Yeah. I think you just might be.” He leaned down, kissing Periwinkle’s cheek. “Hush now. I want you to close your eyes and go to sleep. Alright?”


househusband's guide to domestic blissThere is a home in New Orleans where—for a price—even the unlovable can find a love story for the ages. Ms. Broussard’s Home for Bountiful Beaus offers custom-made automatons, fully versed in the art of homemaking.

Arthur Price is not looking for love. The lonely librarian clings to work and routine to keep himself functioning. When his brother, Jared, arrives in the middle of the night with an i-Series automaton meant to lift his spirits, he realizes his routine life is about to be upended. Cheerful to a fault, Periwinkle is not someone Arthur would normally choose to befriend, much less enter into a romantic entanglement with, but he somehow programs himself perfectly into his life.

Miraculously, Arthur finds himself growing almost… fond of the robot.

Periwinkle may not possess much experience outside cleaning, but he can’t help noticing the loneliness in his librarian’s eyes. If it means giving Arthur Price a fresh start, Periwinkle is more than happy to stitch together all of Arthur’s broken pieces.??

The Househusband’s Guide to Domestic Bliss is a cozy, dual POV, slow-burn romance about a lonely librarian and his made-to-order boyfriend.


lance lansdale bio photoLike Kent Fox, I’m a thirty-something gay man with a flair for the dramatic and a passion for gay romance and LGBTQ+ fiction. I write stories focusing on queer joy and families found along the way. My debut novel, We Burn Beautiful was released last year.

Connect with Lance:
Facebook: Lance Lansdale


To celebrate the release of The Househusband’s Guide to Domestic Bliss, Lance is giving away a paperback and an eBook of the release! Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!

A Rafflecopter Giveaway


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FILED UNDER: Excerpt, Giveaway, Guest Post