Today I am so pleased to welcome L.J. Hayward to Joyfully Jay. L.J. has come to talk to share an exclusive reveal for the new hardcovers of her Death and the Devil series. Please join me in giving her a big welcome!


G’day everyone!

Long time, no chat. I hope you’re all doing swell. And thank you, Jay, for letting me post here today.

A little bit ago I announced that I’d had the publishing rights for the first book in the Death and the Devil series revert to me. It means that for the first time since “Where Death Meets the Devil” was published in 2018, the entire series is now in my control. So I decided to do something special to celebrate that fact.

On July 9th, the three main novels of the Death and the Devil series will be released in hardcover! With brand new covers! When discussing new covers with the amazingly talented L.C. Chase, the creator of the original, eye catching covers, I said I wanted something different but related to the originals; new colours but still familiar. I think we succeeded.

So I’d like to present the new Death and the Devil hardcover editions!

I hope you love them as much as I do, and I hope this might give you something a little special for your bookshelves.


where death meets the devil why the devil stalks death cover when death frees the devil


L.J. Hayward has been telling stories for most of her life, a good deal of them of the tall variety. She loves reading but doesn’t seem to have enough time between wanting to be a more disciplined writer, being the actual erratic writer she is, and working for dollars in a dungeon laboratory. She also lives on the Gold Coast in Queensland, but rarely sees a beach and can’t surf, though she thinks living on a houseboat might be fun. She no longer needs an excuse to get a cat, having come into possession of (by?) a creature in the subspecies of Felis catus demonicus, otherwise known as Tilly the Terror, Tilly Don’t Bite My Feet and Tilly Why Are You Staring Into My Supposedly Empty Bedroom With Your Tail All Poofy And Back Arched?

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