Rating: 4.5 stars
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Length: Novel


When the truck Rueben Sanchez was driving went off the road, he thought he was going to die. But the gorgeous sheriff showed up like an angel and made him believe he would live until he was rescued. The connection between Rueben and Seth Burke was instant, and neither man could deny it. But with a pending investigation, they knew their one weekend together was all they could have.

Nine months later, the case is finally coming to trial. Seth can’t get Rueben out of his head and would give anything for the case to conclude so they can explore what’s between them. Rueben has always known that he’s the one for Seth, and though he will wait as long as he has to, he doesn’t want to. But the lawyers for the leaders of Salvation Anew are ready to do everything they can to delay things, and it might be years before it’s fully resolved. Neither Ruben nor Seth can wait and start meeting in secret.

As the days pass, they fall more in love. But each moment they spend together could put the case, and Seth’s reelection, in jeopardy. With a nosy reporter, who happens to be Seth’s ex, sniffing around and Seth’s opponent climbing the polls, they do their best to be discreet. But it all comes to a head when one of the suspects is found dead. Seth can’t hide his love for Rueben anymore, and Rueben is ready to step up as well. Their love is real and lasting, and together, they’ll make sure it all works out.

This is the fifth book in Aimee Nicole Walker’s Redemption Ridge Series and it’s a series that needs to be read in order. While each book features a different couple, the through plot with Salvation Anew and all the trouble they’ve caused ties them all together. Seth and Rueben met much earlier in the series, and a bit of their story has been in the background of other books. And oh, how I was looking forward to them finally getting their happily ever after.

Rueben is sassy and confident, especially when it comes to his connection to Seth. He knows from the start that they are meant to be and he’s ready to do whatever it takes to see that through. Even if it means waiting. But at the same time, he needs Seth in his life and, though he doesn’t make the smartest choices, he makes it happen. I loved the connection between the MCs and it just leapt off the page. Even though we don’t get to see their start in this book, or their first weekend together, their chemistry is off the charts.

Seth is a bit more closed off, for a couple of reasons. But the biggest one is that he knows any relationship with Rueben would put the case, and therefore his reelection, at risk. Rueben is a witness and a victim in the case, and the impropriety of them being romantically involved is too great. But their love won’t be denied. I thought Walker did a good job walking that line and making their choices believable and understandable. I really adore these two together, and loved the way their relationship evolved.

Outside of the romance, there is a lot going on. And I mean a lot. There’s the Salvation Anew case, and the mystery of Seth’s cousin’s murder that’s gone unsolved for twenty-five years. Ultimately, the big ending in this book, and much of the action, tie these two things together. The resolution for the first is a bit pat, but understandable given the way Walker set up the cult and those at the helm. There was really only one way this could resolve. However, the cold case seemed a bit much, given everything else going on. Having it as a side plot was fine, and it explained some of Seth’s thoughts and behaviors. Even the way it connected wasn’t that big of a leap, considering the type of people the cult preyed on. But the resolution to the murder and who did it was not only a big surprise, but also was too quickly and easily resolved, which didn’t sit as well with me.

That being said, I really enjoyed this book. The MCs really carried this story, and it was great to see them finally getting the HEA they deserved. This was originally going to be the last in the series, if I remember correctly, but the author is gracing us with two more books that I’m thoroughly looking forward to. I’m a fan of this series, the complex characters, and the twisting storylines. If you haven’t yet, definitely pick this one up.