C.L. Polk

Best Covers of 2022!

Hi all! So last week, we shared our Best Books of 2022 and today we are sharing my favorite covers. I am a firm believer that good covers can sell a book (and sadly bad covers can hurt one), so I always like to recognize beautiful covers that draw me in and make me...

Elizabeth’s Best of 2022!

Happy Holidays to one and all (and everyone in between)! It’s been cold and rainy here, and I’ve been in the mood for baking so — because I’m easily swayed by my own brilliant thoughts — this year I’ve decided to do a baker’s dozen of my favorite reads of 2022. The...

November Favorite Books

Hi all! As we are winding down our year, we are sharing our favorite books for November. It is hard to believe we are almost at the end of our monthly favorites for 2022! Here are all the books we most loved in November. We’d love to hear yours as well!  ...

Coming This Week

Hi all! I hope you had a great week! We are having unseasonably warm weather here and a series of beautiful days. I’m torn between loving it and lamenting the state of the earth. But I can’t deny it is nice to be able to sit and read with the backdoor open...