Kate Sherwood

Coming This Week

Hi gang! I hope you all had a great week! Summer is winding down for us and we are starting to look toward school starting. I will have two high schoolers this year! It is hard to believe; it seems like they were just babies! On the blog end, we are gearing up for the...

Coming This Week

Hi gang! I hope you all had a great week! We have been having pretty cold and dreary weather here, which doesn’t seem much like summer. But maybe I shouldn’t complain as it is usually 100 degrees here this time of year! Things are pretty quiet on the home...

Coming This Week

Hi gang! Hope everyone had a great week! ICYMI, I am super excited about a coloring contest we are holding here at the blog. To help celebrate the release of his Cheesecake Boys Coloring Book with Dreamspinner Press, artist Paul Richmond created a very special...


Sorry, I am a little behind on announcing my winners, but here are some new ones! – Seasons of Love story by B.G. Thomas: H.B. – $10 Riptide Gift Card from Kate Sherwood: Natalija – Detective Fox and the Christmas Caper by Isobel Starling: Shirley...

Coming This Week

Hi everyone! I hope you had a great week! I am wrapping things up at GRL (boo, always hard to say goodbye) and wondering what happened to October! Wow, things are just flying by! I hope you all are having a good fall (or spring) season. The weather is definitely...