Michele Lenard

Review: Beautifully Fractured by Michele Lenard

Rating: 3.5 stars Buy Link: Amazon | iBooks | Amazon UK Length: Novel   Cruz had his college life planned with his best friend Xavier for years. But right before college, Xavier changed his plans, leaving Cruz on his own. Playing football is Cruz’s dream, but he...
3.5 Star Rating

Coming This Week

Hi all! I hope you had a great week! I spent the week trying to catch up on after being out on vacation. And catching up on sleep! For some reason, jet lag hit me hard returning home. Last week, I also brought my younger daughter home after from her sophomore year of...

Coming This Week

Hi all! I hope you had a great week! We are back from our vacation to the Netherlands and Belgium and had an amazing time. We stayed in Amsterdam for five nights and took a couple of day trips to nearby cities (Haarlem and Utrecht). We also spent two nights in Bruges,...

Coming This Week

Hi all! I hope you had a great week! Last week we kicked off our end of year festivities with a bunch of holiday related posts. In case you missed them, we ran an update to our Favorite Holiday Books post, as well as Best of 2023 posts from Jay, Kris, and Elizabeth. I...

Coming This Week

Hi all! I hope you had a great week! Sorry this post is a little late today. I had a fun, but very busy weekend and I’m just catching up on things. This week looks to be another fun but busy time. Chanukah starts on Thursday, so we are celebrating early with our...