new coming this weekHi all! I hope you had a great week! This was my birthday week and we had a lovely dinner on Thursday. Both girls came home, so it was so nice to get to celebrate with them. Last night, my husband and I went out for French food, then tonight we are doing a family celebration with my in-laws, since it is my brother-in-law’s birthday this week too. So lots of celebrations!

Also, if you are giving any consideration to the Rainbow Readers Cruise, Celebrity is having a sale through Monday (1/29)! Anyone who is thinking of coming aboard, sign up this weekend and get the savings that Celebrity is offering. The sale price will come off of the listed pricing on and adjustments are being made for anyone who purchased earlier. If you want to chat more about the cruise, hit me up!

Here is what we have planned on the blog this week…

  • Review: Stupid Dirty by Erin Russell (Michelle)
  • Guest Post: The Sceptre of Fire by Alex Stargazer
  • Review: Ocean’s Blood by Thelma Mantey (Elizabeth)

  • Review: Spark of Wrath by E.M. Lindsey (Jay)
  • Review: Interesting Facts About Space by Emily Austin (Camille)
  • Review: Game On by Amy Aislin (Veronica)

  • Review: An Inquiry into Innocence by R.N. Cogley (Jovan)
  • Audiobook Review: The Soldati Prince by Charlie Cochet (Kris)
  • Review: Saving the Boxer by Neil S. Plakcy (Elizabeth)
  • Review: Repair and Prepare by Hinsel Meyer (Michelle)

  • Review: The [Fake] Dating Game by Timothy Janovsky (Jay)
  • Review: The Secrets of Heaven by Reni Stankova (Veronica)
  • Guest Post: Beside the Darker Shore by Patricia J. Esposito

  • Review: Alpha Kings by Roe Horvat (Jay)
  • Review: Better Girlfriend Material by Em Jae Black (Camille)
  • Review: The Tengu and the Angel by Alina Capella (Elizabeth)
  • Guest Post: Spark and Tether by Lilian Zenzi

And that should do it for this week. Enjoy!

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