new coming this weekHi all! So I am way late getting this post up today! Somehow the weekend got away from me, and I am not even sure what I spent it all doing! Aside from yet another day in my household declutter project. So far we have done bathroom cabinet, night stands, linen closet, garage, hall closet, kitchen, and now starting on the den/office. Last weekend we tackled the overflowing den closet and today was file drawers. I think we probably have two more days of work in here and then we can face the pit of despair known as our basement!

This week, I am hoping for a bit slower time at work, which has been crazy the last month. Then, at the end of the week, my daughter is home for spring break from college. We are planning on spending some time at the beach and I am looking forward to both seeing her and getting a little relaxation time away (even though I’ll also be working remotely)/

I hope you all had a great weekend, and Ramadan Mubarak to all those observing this month!

And here is what we have planned this week…

  • Review: Double Match by Roe Horvat (Jay)
  • Review: Two Who Live On by M.N. Bennet (Kris)
  • Review: Should the Sky Fall by Amithia Raine (Elizabeth)
  • Guest Post: Peacemaker Audiobook by Morgan Brice

  • Review: Dire Straits and Entwined Fates by Alice Winters(Jay)
  • Review: Leap Year by A.M. Arthur (Veronica)
  • Review: Beyond Fate by Lee McCormick (Michelle)
  • Guest Post: Mint to Be by F.A. Ray

  • Review: London Fog by E.M. Lindsey (Jay)
  • Review: Just Like Magic by Ellie Roth (Elizabeth)
  • Guest Post: Rainbow Readers Cruise with Rick R. Reed

  • Review: Dealing with Magpinguari and Dogged Engineers by A.J. Sherwood (Jay)
  • Review: Welcome to Forever by Nathan Tavares (Camille)
  • Guest Post: The Hencha Queen by J. Scott Coatsworth

  • Review: Dragon’s Surprise by Nora Phoenix (Kris)
  • Review: Encore by Larken Lavallee (Michelle)
  • Review: Loving Aspen by Jae Greyn (Elizabeth)
  • Guest Post: Earthquake Ethan by R.L. Merrill

And that should do it for this week! Enjoy!

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