Rating: 4.5 stars
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Length: Novel


Oscar Overton has been a best man many times; it’s almost like a second job for him. But he has never been a groom. All the best man speeches were for Oscar’s exes who met “the one” after their relationship with him ended and “After Oscar” has become a slogan that Oscar would rather never hear again. But Oscar is fine, really. He’s happy for his exes and just has to come to terms with the fact that he will never be anyone’s HEA. So Oscar has stopped looking. He has plenty to keep him busy anyway, as running a billion dollar corporation takes a lot of time.

When Oscar meets photographer Hugh Linzee at the latest wedding, he knows it’s not an ordinary hookup. But Oscar also knows that Hugh is different. Hugh and Oscar have amazing chemistry, but they couldn’t be in more different places in their lives if they tried. Hugh is a romantic and desperately wants to find his person. Hugh also thinks love should be easy and he’s waiting for the one that will sweep him off his feet into his very own HEA. Oscar and Hugh only get one night, until a text turns into a daily conversation into a fake date. Hugh wants everything with Oscar and Oscar is resisting it all every step of the way. Hugh now has to figure out how to make Oscar his HEA and not wait for the person “After Oscar.”

The first book in the After Oscar series was released in 2019, so this series has been going on for a while and I have been waiting for Oscar’s book. After book 4, ISO, I became more intrigued with Oscar, as that is the first book I felt really gave any insight into his character.

Oscar and Hugh meet in part due to their chemistry and in part due to a hedgehog named Frank. Oscar is clear with Hugh what a hookup means, as well as what it doesn’t mean. Oscar is convinced he is not looking for love and he is convinced that there is no happy ever after destined for him. This book gives a lot of insight into Oscar and I was here for it. I really liked Oscar, as we got to see his insecurities regarding his large extended family and his personal life. We also got to see Oscar the business man who gives back to his community, mentors youth, and really takes the time to understand those he cares about. He does all of this in a low-key way where those around him benefit without calling attention to himself.

Oscar and Hugh have a long journey to love. Hugh is in love with love. He sees the best sides of love as he photographs weddings and talks to couples for his HEA social media channel. He thinks love should be easy and, if it’s not, well, then he hasn’t found the right person. Hugh has had his heart broken time and again and knows he’s setting himself up for more heartbreak with Oscar, but he can’t stop thinking about the man and can’t stay away.

I do wish that the books in this series hadn’t been so far apart, as when the previous MCs had cameos, it was more difficult to recall their stories fully. Also, and I know I have said this before, but since the series is named After Oscar, and I enjoyed finally meeting Oscar so much, I would have liked him to be more visible throughout the series, because now I want more of him.

This was a great way to top off this series and was my favorite book of the lineup. It was rewarding to see Oscar and Hugh get their long-awaited HEA.