Today I am so pleased to welcome Lance Lansdale to Joyfully Jay. Lance has come to talk to us about his latest release, F**k, Marry, Kill Me, Daddy. He has also brought along a great giveaway. Please join me in giving Lance a big welcome!

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Exclusive Excerpt

Just before midnight, my doorbell rings. No one ever comes over this late. Honestly, aside from Tatum, no one ever comes over at all. Uri’s never knocked on my door. Sure, he’s stood outside my window a few times, holding various life-threatening objects, but he’s never knocked on my door or rang the bell.

The second the door is open, Uri rushes in, wrapping both hands around my throat and squeezing tight. He shoves me against the wall and leans in until our noses touch. If I’m being honest, it feels good to have him take control like this. I almost wish he’d done so at the cemetery, back when I was still breaking. 

“I’m not going to tell you this again,”he growls in his familiar way. “If you ever run off from me like that again, I’ll take a handsaw to your throat. You fucking hear me?”

It’s all I can do to keep myself from swooning. “Daddy,” I croak, my voice rough from his grip. When he hears my gravelly voice, he loosens the hold he has on my neck.

“I ain’t your fucking Daddy. Now, I’m only saying this once, so you better listen, and you better fucking listen well.” His lips are so close to mine, all I would have to do is pucker them, and we’d be kissing. I don’t though. Uri told me to listen, and that’s what I plan to do. “I’m coming over tomorrow afternoon. When I do, I’m tying you to the bed—” I whimper. I try not to, but I can’t help it. “Cut the gay shit out. That’s not how I meant it, and you know it.”

“I think you did,”I say, forcing a smile, but he just rolls his eyes.

“Like I was saying—I’m coming over here tomorrow, tying you to your bed, and then I’m burning you alive.”

God. How does he know all of the right things to say? It’s like he just knows me. Like he knows what it takes to pull me out of my troubled headspace. When he loosens his grip and steps away, he narrows his eyes.


Though his glare doesn’t fade, he blushes brightly. “The suit you were wearing.”

“Yeah?”He clears his throat. “You bought it for me?”

“For our date.”

He darts his eyes away and nods. “It looked nice. I liked the pink thing in the pocket.”

“I thought you would. Did you think I looked cute?”

“Of course not,” he says, even though his head is nodding. He takes a step back, toward the door, and I’m proud of myself for not running to him and tackling him, just so I can cuddle up close. “Don’t wear it tomorrow. It’s a nice suit. Don’t want to ruin it when I burn you alive.”


F**k marry kill me daddy coverSCOTTY
My boyfriend’s been trying to kill me for weeks. Well, I guess he’s my boyfriend. I mean, we’ve never officially been introduced, but he’s always standing in the shadows, watching me. That has to be a good sign, right? The first time I saw him, he was hunched down in my bushes, aiming a rifle at my heart. He’s turned up with a new weapon every night since. As fun as our silly little game of Murder Daddy may be, I’m getting tired of having to steal my stalker-slash-boyfriend’s affection by disarming him and using his own weapons against him.

I’ve got to get my head in the game. As my agency’s top assassin, I’ve killed my fair share of men. When Senator Levinson placed his son on my hitlist, I figured it would be a one-and-done. Every time our paths cross, he winds up getting the upper hand. The things he makes me do once he’s pried a gun or a knife out of my hand are downright depraved, and for some reason, I can’t bring myself to stop it from happening. It makes no sense. My wife tells me I need to just suck it up and get the job done. My wife’s boyfriend says I’m sweet on the guy, which is absolutely ridiculous. Even if I wanted to take advantage of our open marriage, I’m not gay. This man—this Freakshow—is completely unhinged, and the worst part is, I think I might be just as crazy as him.

F**ck, Marry, Kill Me, Daddy is a high-heat, over-the-top, absolutely UNHINGED, dual-POV, dark romcom that is equal parts insta-love and insta-lust. While one character is married, it is an open, polyamorous relationship, and there is no cheating between Brody/Scotty or Brody/his wife. The book ends with an exclusive MM HEA.


lance lansdale logoLance Lansdale is the author of We Burn Beautiful and The Househusband’s Guide to Domestic Bliss. He writes swoony romance with an excessive amount of cuddle scenes.

Connect with Lance:
Facebook: Lance Lansdale


To celebrate the release of F**k, Marry, Kill Me, Daddy, Lance is giving away a paperback and an eBook of the release! Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!


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