weddings and other one-night stands coverRating: 3.75 stars
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Length: Novella


It’s been ten years since the collapse that led to Mythos becoming a part of the human world. Vlash lost his wife and daughter in the collapse, but raising his son and serving as the Mytho military leader has helped give him some focus for his life and a sense of purpose as he mourns their loss. But things are changing, as Vlash’s son is now getting ready for college and many of the Mytho leaders are stepping down. Vlash is feeling uncertain about his next steps, and Jordan and Edra’s wedding is just highlighting for him how much things are different in his world.

Mason is newly single, having broken up with his fiance. He knows it was way past time to end things; Bud’s prejudice against Mythos was impossible for Mason to ignore, particularly as he has two good friends with Mytho partners. Mason is definitely not ready for a new relationship, but he is not totally against a wedding hook up. When a hot elf asks him to dance, and later to come back to his room, Mason can’t resist the temptation.

Vlash and Mason spend a night together that is hotter than either man expected, but neither thinks it will turn into more. Vlash is the head elven archer and feels unsure about dating a human, and Mason isn’t sure he should be dating at all. Not to mention, he can’t quite figure out what the very sexy elf sees in him. But the men are drawn together and their one night begins to turn into more. Soon, Vlash and Mason realize that they are falling for each other. Neither one expected more than a hot one-night stand, but soon the men are looking toward a future together.

Weddings and Other One-Night Stands is a novella set in the world of T.J. Nichols’ wonderful Mytho series. I absolutely love this series and have been thrilled that while the main storyline is complete for Jordan and Edra, the author has been writing additional stories for some of the side characters. Vlash has been a prominent figure throughout the main series, as one of the Mytho leaders, and Mason has also appeared as a friend of Jordan’s. While this is the first book focusing on them as a couple, I think being familiar with the world building from at least some of the Mytho series will help with following along here.

This one starts off at Jordan and Edra’s wedding, with both Vlash and Mason feeling somewhat out of sorts. They are happy for their friends finding love together, but the wedding also highlights how much has changed for both of them and how alone they are. We see their first night together and there is a nice connection between them. Neither one can forget the other, and what starts out as one night soon becomes regular get togethers. While the story touches a little on closing things out between Mason and Bud, the plot here is really just seeing Mason and Vlash getting together periodically. I did wish for a little more relationship development, especially as the detail is front loaded on their first encounter, and so the ending felt somewhat fast for them going from hook up to something more serious.

I think Nichols does a nice job setting the stage here for where both Vlash and Mason are emotionally. This is again where familiarity with the series will help, as we have seen both men going through changes in prior books. I didn’t totally understand Vlash’s concern about being with a human, so I think that part could have used a little more detail, but overall, I felt like their emotions were explored well in this shorter format and it was nice to see both men find happiness and love again.

I am such a fan of this series, I would read pretty much anything Nichols chooses to write about it. It looks like there is at least one more book coming (this one a prequel of sorts, it seems) and I am all in for it.

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