Bart Baker

Coming This Week

Hi all! I hope you had a great week! I can’t believe it is almost the end of the school year. My college freshman is coming home this week for the summer. It feels like we just dropped her off last August! I’m excited to have her home full time, at least...

Review: I Promise You Pain by Bart Barker

Rating: 4 stars Buy Links:  Amazon | iBooks | Amazon UK Length: Novel Cordon Finn is a violent man. Raised by an abusive father who threatened to pimp him out when he found his son, at 8 years old, trying on his mom’s shoes, Cordon’s rage was honed by years...
4 Star Rating

Coming This Week

Hi all! Hope you had a great week! Things settled down a little for me at work, so I actually had some time to breathe this week, but still running a little ragged. Our kitchen is officially closed out, other than painting, so we have been spending the weekend putting...