Today I am so pleased to welcome Saxon James to Joyfully Jay. Saxon has come to talk to us about her latest release, A Stealthy Situation. She has also brought along a great giveaway. Please join me in giving her a big welcome!

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Exclusive Excerpt

There’s something different about Benny today. He seems … distracted. Normally he’s super invested in class, and I have to ask him to break things down for me, but today, his brain is elsewhere. I only met him at the start of the semester, but he’s been a savior in wrapping my head around this class. I originally took it in freshman year, and considering I need to take advanced stats soon, I decided to audit this one as a refresher, which is lucky because I hadn’t realized how much I’d forgotten.

Benny’s also never been interested in hanging out before. I only asked the once if he wanted to grab lunch, but after it was clear he was only interested in small talk and statistics, I let him be. There was no hesitation today though. British sitcoms really can win anyone over.

“Okay.” He drops his bag under the table, then grabs a chair that he flips around and straddles. “Do your best.”

“Because I really love a free lunch, we’re going to skip the sitcoms and go straight to a comedy panel that will have you dying.”

“You’re totally overhyping it.”

“Benny-boy, let me introduce you to Would I Lie to You?

He just stares at me. Benny is an interesting guy to look at. He has this young face, big lips, but eyes that give off the feeling they’ve seen too much. And those eyes couldn’t hold more skepticism if they tried.

“You’ll be eating your words,” I promise him.

“There you go assuming I have a sense of humor again.”

I like this version of Benny. Hell, he’s cool otherwise, but this is the first time I’ve seen him so relaxed. 


stealthy situationCover Designer: Natasha Snow
Model: Ivan – Photographer: Wander Aguiar 

Franklin University Series Season 2, Book 2


My life’s goal? Make plants fun!

I’m gonna be fighting for flora when I’m older and it all starts with auditing stats so I can level up for my masters, and lucky for me, the intriguing guy in my class is a math whizz.

He’s standoffish at first, but after a class where I bet my sitcoms can make him laugh, one bet leads to another and we’re hanging out all the time. Even though I know he’s interested in me, we’re easy friends, until I start to think I might be a little interested in him, too.

The only problem? He seems like a totally different guy in class to when we hang out. I brush it off as him trying to concentrate, but then I spot something I can’t explain away.

A scar. On his palm.

One I’m positive Benny has never had before.


Since we were little, my twin brother and I have always switched things up–literally. It started as funsies, and now we’re college juniors and still taking each other’s classes. I suck at Math, he sucks at English, and we both have a rule not to make friends in class as the other person. Our system is perfect.

Only Emmett has the audacity to get sick right before stats and I have to actually show up for my own class–where I meet my future husband.

Harrison is smart, weirdly into plants, and we instantly hit it off like old friends.

Only of course the gorgeous mountain of a nerd is straight.

Just when I’m telling myself to let my dreams of matching rings go, our text messages become constant, flirtier, deeper than I’ve had with any other guy before. My butterflies have butterflies every time we catch up.

And then I get a text from Emmett: I’m so sorry. I think I messed up.


saxon james logoSaxon James writes MM romance about two dumb fools finding their dumber half.

Her books include banter, snark, and schmoopy love, along with queer identities that span the rainbow. From New Adult to later in life, her guys have got you covered.

Connect with Saxon:


To celebrate the release of A Stealthy Situation, Saxon is giving away 2 e-copies of the release! Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!

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