Angel Martinez

Coming This Week

Hi everyone! I hope you all had a great week! Things are getting crazy here at home as I have a soon to be graduating senior. It seems like all the year-end activities are fast approaching! On Friday she went to prom and had a wonderful time. Then we are on to exams...

Review: No Fae is an Island by Angel Martinez

Rating: 3.75 stars Buy Link: Amazon | iBooks | Amazon UK Length: Novel Three years ago, Diego, the most powerful human sorcerer ever known, unleashed his magic on the world. He was stopped by his beloved husband, Finn the pookah, and his devoted friends, but not...
3.75 Star Rating

Coming This Week

Hi gang! I hope you all had a great week! So things are exciting around here as I am gearing up to head out to the Coastal Magic Convention in Daytona Beach. Coastal Magic is a really fun, low key con that has the added advantage of being on the beach in February!...

Review: Semper Fae by Angel Martinez

Rating: 4 stars Buy Link: Amazon | iBooks | Amazon UK Length: Novel Zack hasn’t had the chance to tell his parents he is gay. Well, that isn’t quite true; he’s had plenty of chances, he just hasn’t taken them. But now that his face is plastered over every...
4 Star Rating

Coming This Week

Hi everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful week! I spent the last week trying to reintegrate into the real world after the fun of GRL. It is amazing how close you can grow to people you only see once a year, but it is fabulous to catch up with everyone and make new...


I have some more winners to announce today! Until You Say Otherwise by Kate Hawthorne: Debra Fireworks and Stolen Kisses by Angel Martinez: Eve Double Dutch Courage by Helena Stone: Susana Prize Pack from Susan Mac Nicol: Barbra Thank you to everyone who stopped by...