confetti hearts audio coverStory Rating: 4.5 stars
Audio Rating: 4.5 stars

Narrator: Joel Leslie
Length: 8 hours, 56 minutes

Audiobook Buy Links: Amazon/Audible | iBooks
Book Buy Links:  Amazon | iBooks

The combination of Lily Morton’s writing and Joel Leslie’s narration is always such a treat and so I was thrilled to revisit Confetti Hearts in audio. This is a lovers-reunited story featuring two men just barely clinging to the marriage that fell apart. Joe is ready to call it quits after realizing his husband, Lachlan, doesn’t seem to have room for him in his life or his heart. Joe has been trying to get the divorce final for a while now and Lachlan is desperately trying to win him back. It all comes together at a big wedding in Scotland where a sudden snowstorm leaves the men trapped in the hotel, along with the wedding party (and the bride’s mother from hell).

I think Morton does this style story so well, where we see the start of the relationship and how things fall apart, and then the book focuses largely on the aftermath for the couple as they try to come back together (Morton’s book After Felix is one of my favorite examples of this format). We see the guys as they fall for one another and get married, then as the marriage disintegrates. Then the book jumps ahead in time to the future where both men have regretted choices and realized mistakes. For Joe, he is still so hurt by Lachlan’s actions that he isn’t emotionally ready to even consider a reconciliation. It is only as Lachlan shows his clear growth and remorse that Joe is able to open himself up to acknowledge how much he truly still loves his husband. The men are on fire together throughout the book, but the latter half really shows us the sweet tenderness between them.

I enjoyed this book even more the second time around. I think knowing that Lachlan is going to have this big transformation sort of muted the suddenness for me that I experienced a little bit in the first reading (see my full review here). My enjoyment was also enhanced by the excellent narration by Joel Leslie. He really hits the right notes with these characters and his narration fit their personalities so well. As always, Morton brings the banter and the sarcasm and the humor and Leslie gets the tone just right. The characters feel distinct and conversations are easy to follow. There are plenty of side characters here and it was still easy to track them all and follow the story in audio format. Leslie does such a great job bringing this story to life and I really enjoyed the audio experience. If you enjoy a lovers-reunited trope, particularly with some humor and fun, and a big dose of snowy Scotland, definitely give this one a try.